Charter Schools
Go to a local charter school in Kings County, CA?
Check to see if we are already on your vendor list!
If you can’t find us, you can request for Path to Hope to be on the vendor list for extracurricular activities. Contact your schools vendor team or give us a call!
Equine Assisted Activities
This program evolves NON-Riding horse activities where we learn horse education, problem solving, and all around enrichment!
This program is for the student whom might not be ready to ride but still LOVES horses.
Intro to Horseman-ship
This Program teaches students how to connect to the horse through ground games and activities. The GOAL is to learn how to communicate using body language and experiencing how it feels to work at liberty (without a lead).
Horse-back riding Lessons
Basic Horse Riding Lessons in both English and Western. You will learn horse safety in both in the saddle and on the ground! This is more Riding focused-but horse education will still be taught along the way as well.